4 Books to Read When You Are Between Adventures
Whether you are a new mom busy nursing for a few months, in the crazy season at work, saving up for your next adventure, or are just waiting at the airport to board a plane to the next place on your itinerary, chances are at some point you will be between adventures. Maybe you’ll be looking for a mental getaway, or at least a touch of inspiration. Here are four fantastic travel and adventure books to see you through until the next time you can get away yourself!
The Happiness of Pursuit By: Chris Guillebeau In this 1 part theory, 1 part practical tips, 1 part inspiration book, Chris Guillebeau explores the idea that happiness comes not from pursuing it, but from pursuing ‘the quest”. It is the act of creating and achieving big, hairy, audacious goals that gives us joy and purpose in life. He chronicles a few stories from his own personal quest to visit every country on earth (yes, all of them) and gives glimpses into the quests of others like walking across the US, completing the MIT computer science curriculum in one year while working a fulltime job, writing a blog post every day for an entire year, or cooking a traditional meal from a different country around the world every week until she had eaten food from everywhere. The author claims that while adventure looks different for everyone, adventure IS for everyone. I tend to agree. His criteria for what makes a quest are 1. A quest has a specific end point. 2. A quest presents a clear challenge. 3. A quest requires sacrifice of some kind. 4. A quest is often driven by a calling or a sense of mission. 5. A quest requires a series of small steps and incremental progress towards a goal. This book inspired me to take a number of my own disconnected desires and coalesce them into a quest list of my own. I’ll publish that in the coming weeks so you can see how I’m progressing.
Feeding the Rat: Profile of a Climber By: A Alvarez This is an adventure literature classic that is just as relevant, entertaining and informative as it was 30 years ago. The author profiles prominent British mountaineer Mo Anthoine in midlife. So much more than just an accounting of the life and times of one man, Feeding the Rat puts words to the indescribable feelings all outdoor adventure lovers have about their exploration, about the answer to the age old question “why?’. Even for those who have no inclination to climb mountains at all, the humour and excitement of this book makes it worth the read. Afterall, it’s hardly about the summit anyway, it about the experiences you have along the way.
Run the World By: Becky Wade Like many new college graduates, Becky Wade left a successful lifetime of academia to find herself at a loss for what she truly wanted to do with her life. Unlike most of us though, she had spent her University days not only earning top marks in her studies, but performing as a top runner for her school. Would she relegate running to a pastime and go into a steady career? Or should she pursue an athletic career first? Did she have the stuff? She was fit and fast no doubt, but competing in the professional and global arena is a whole other ball game. As luck would have it, she received funding from the Thomas J. Watson fellowship to travel the world for one year in order to make a study of any area of interest she chose. Having marveled at the variety of different training and coaching styles of successful runners the world over, she sets out on a globe trotting adventure to run with athletes in nine different countries and four continents. Along the way she gains new friends, new approaches to training and recovery, and a totally new level of confidence. While I myself will never be a world class runner, I loved this unique approach to travel and training and am incredibly inspired to reach out to more local people in my future travels, and maybe to dust off my running shoes a bit more often.
Wild Mama: One Woman's Quest to Live Her Best Life, Escape Traditional Parenthood, and Travel the World By: Carrie Visintainer I have saved the absolute best for last. This book is the adventure loving mama’s manifesto. I consumed it in a single weekend. I was nodding my head and connecting so much with everything in this, I swear I could have written 80% of the words myself. The fear of losing herself to parenthood, the awkward attempts to figure out career in a post kid life, the postpartum depression that went on WAY too long, and the realization that finding a way to make all of herself fit again was not optional. This is one of those books that has impacted me permanently, and came at exactly the right moment. It’s was the type of transcendent reading experience that left me simultaneously ready to tell every mama I know all about it, and yet left me almost speechless to explain all the reasons why this is a must read. My absolute favorite part is towards the end when she has a heart to heart with her son about why she is leaving on a trip without him. She explains that travel is something she loves. That it makes her whole, and happy. That when we love people, we are supportive of them doing the things that make them feel alive, even if it doesn’t include us. As he begins to connect this to the ways his parents support him in doing the things HE loves, he understands and is excited to hear about her trip when she returns. You can practically hear the walls of mom guilt crash and burn. Get this one. You won’t regret it. (Side note: No, I did not take the name of this blog from the title of this book. It was a coincidence.)
What are some of your favorite travel and adventure reads? Leave me a comment, I want to know what to read next!
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Slowing down to appreciate what really matters.
4 Outdoor Mindfulness Activities for Kids (and the adults who love them)
This. Life. Is. Busy. It is full, and hectic and distracted and bounces around all over the place. When I allow myself to get sucked into the ever shifting tide of phone notifications, long lists of work tasks, an over abundance of social obligations and anything else the world wants to throw at me I am anxious, grouchy, and disconnected.
Our children are no different. THEY live in this world of crazy too. They pick up on our hectic vibe, and the expectations on them even as young as preschool are becoming more and more intense.
We can let ourselves and our children get swept away in this maddening stress driven culture, OR we can choose to cultivate slow. To breathe deep, get intentional, and train ourselves and our littles to be mindful about curating our focus and attention.
Mindfulness doesn’t just happen. It is a skill we must practice and polish. Meditation and yoga are wonderful tools. But there is nothing that calms and soothes me nearly so much as being in nature. Most children are the same way. If we add some activities that require focus and attention we get even more bang for our nature time buck.
Color Matching: How many colors are there in nature? 3? 4? Look closer and you will see thousands of shades of green, brown, hot pink, bright orange, purple and blue. When we only whiz past everything outside, we don’t notice all this variety. Slow down and look more closely. Before playing this game, stop by your local home supply store and grab a handful of paint color cards. These come in single colors, or sometimes in a strip with different shades of the same color on each card. Both are useful in their own way. For younger children, just focus on having them find that particular color. A green plant to match the green card, some pink in a rock to match the pink card, orange lichen for the orange card. As they get older, up the challenge to have them match the exact shade of the color as closely as possible. Sure that pineneedle is green, but is it the exact shade of blueish green on the card? No? Keep looking! You will be amazed at the variety of colors you will find. Shades you didn’t think were possible to find in nature. Get wild with it! Don’t limit yourself to blue, green, and brown! Grab a royal purple, maroon, magenta. Its out there. Look big and small. Near and far. Not only does this cultivate mindfulness, but with younger children you are practicing their colors, for which you can give yourself a gold star on your mom chart. (Stars may be redeemed for glasses of pinot after a long day.)
Rock Stacking: Is this just one of those things that humans have naturally wanted to do since the beginning of time? I think yes. Get yourself and your kiddos to a dry river bed, or other location with plenty of different sizes and shapes of rocks and them let them go wild trying to stack and balance them in different ways. The irregular shape of rocks makes this more challenging than stacking building blocks, and over time your child will develop an inexplicable inner sense of physics that allows them to do improbable things like balancing large rocks on top of smaller ones. (Side note: you are teaching physics! More gold mom stars! More wine!) Before you leave though, make sure to have your children dismantle the stacks. Leaving rocks stacked is a controversial practice that is considered destructive to the natural feel of a place and in opposition to Leave No Trace outdoor ethics. Leaving rock stacks in National Parks or Monuments is illegal. If your children are having a hard time embracing the ephemeral nature of rock art, let them take pictures before they pull it apart.
Make a Sound Map: The basics of this activity is to sit somewhere and be absolutely still and silent, noticing the sounds around you and where the sound is coming from relative to your position. With the littlest children, just have them sit in your lap and listen together. After a minute or so of quiet, talk about the sounds you heard around you. With older children they can actually map out what they hear on paper. Have them make an X in the center of their paper. The X is them. Anytime they hear a sound, have them make a symbol on the paper in the place they hear it, to represent the sound. If the child is old enough to be working on map skills, have them find north and orient themselves to face that way. They can add a compass rose and key to their map too. As they get better at it and more skilled with age, continue to add levels of complexity to their maps. But remember to keep it light, fun, and relaxing. Pushing them to add complexity to the map before they are really ready adds stress and detracts from the relaxing aim of the game. That would cause an immediate loss of mom gold stars.
Watch the Clouds: Yes. Just the good old fashioned “lay on your back and relax” version of cloud watching. Snuggle into the grass, take a deep breath, get quiet and watch. Notice the roiling build, the sideways wandering. Let your mind make bunnies, dinosaurs, and pirate ships.
"I'm gonna sit here just quietly and watch the creek. Ok mama?"
Each of these activities has a distinct mental focus. It is a common misconception that meditation and mindfulness practices need to involve a clearing or emptying of the mind. This is not true at all. I’m not sure even the most practiced and disciplined of monks can do that. Mindfulness practice is about cultivating slow, calming the wild bouncing in our heads, and being in charge of what our minds focus on.
Do you have a mindfulness practice that you enjoy? Do you share one with your children? I’d love to hear from you. Leave me comment and let me know!
Anyone else look at pre-kid pictures and think "Why the hell did I think I was so busy back then!?" Yeah...me too. Let's fix the busy. Less bullshit, more riding.
8 Things I'm Giving Up So I Can Adventure More
No one has unlimited time. Everyone has some given list of things that time needs to be spent on. Even before I became a mom, it was often difficult to do everything that was required of me and still have time to play in the woods, travel and adventure (and I wasn’t even blogging back then!).
Adding a child to the mix can seem like a death sentence for anything you enjoyed pre-kid. After all, children DO require an investment of time, significantly so, and you can’t simply add to your schedule without taking something away. You WILL have to reprioritize. The trick is being intentional with what stays, and what no longer fits.
Early in my parenting journey, it felt like the thing that no longer fit was me. Time and energy to ride my bike, take a trail run by myself, go to a long yoga class, or even complete a single task from start to finish without interruption felt light years away! (Ok, that last one still is when a toddler is home. Let’s be real.) I felt like I couldn’t get away unless the all the work had been done; the laundry, dishes, food ready, house tidy and clean, actual job work, everything. And boy had that work list grown. Our laundry tripled between cloth diapers and a baby who needed a full costume change every 20 minutes or so. There were suddenly baby apparatuses all over the house, bottles to wash, baby food to make and package for daycare, on and on and on. I kept hoping I’d catch up and waiting until I did to allow myself to get out the door. News flash...it never happened.
Oh good...another mess. Here's the thing...there will ALWAYS be another mess. Embrace the mess. (Almost two years later...he STILL thinks the TP is the best thing going. Sigh)
My issues were compounded by the post-partum depression and anxiety of course. The exhaustion and brain fog made everything take forever. I was overwhelmed by the littlest things. The anxiety would keep my brain spinning in circles almost paralysed about what to do next. “I should start the laundry. No, that might wake the baby. I’ll do dishes instead. No, we need dinner soon, I’ll work on that.” Stares at food in fridge feeling overwhelmed by the broccoli and the enormous effort chopping requires, thinks we should probably just order pizza, again. “Maybe I SHOULD start laundry afterall.” Round and round we go. Yeah...it was super fun.
And then there is the guilt and anxiety of being away from your child one moment longer than you have to. If you are suffering from clinical anxiety, there is a very real physical sensation that almost suffocates you. But even for moms who don’t have that delightful bit of chemistry happening, the guilt is real.
Man...I’m making this sound really grim aren’t I? Hold on, it gets better. Pinky Promise.
"Hey Mama! You! Yeah you...go take care of yourself would ya!? You are always less crabby when you do!"
What I’m learning through mindful examination is that mom can NOT be the thing that gets dropped from the schedule. Period. It is crazy making and will lead to burnout, resentment, and martyrdom. So something else will have to go. But what? In my much more clear brain (thank you Dr. Victor for finding the best treatment for my PPD!) and with a bit of coaching from my therapist (thanks Michelle!), I have begun to identify a handful of time wasters that need to go so that I fit again. Maybe a few of these will ring true for you too, or maybe not. Perhaps you don’t do any of things on this list, or maybe some of the things I’m going to stop doing add immense value to your life. That’s ok. The point is to spark the thought process. Start to dig deep and figure out what ACTUALLY matters to you. Weed out anything that isn’t serving your life to the very highest and get rid of it.
Workaholism: It took a serious health crash after becoming a mom to really drive this one home for me, but I have a serious tendency to overcommit and over do my work life. I want to serve 150% to the very highest of my ability and I accept nothing less of myself. While being dedicated to your work and doing a good job is important and valuable, it serves no one for me to stay late day after day stressing about details that no one will notice but me if it means I’m exhausted, run down and unfulfilled. Long term, this approach will actually cause my work quality and job satisfaction to decline. Just say no to workaholism.
Perfectionism: The driving force behind #1 of course. Good enough actually is. I can’t say I have amazing advice on HOW to let go in this arena. I had to drive myself to Adrenal Fatigue and collapse to really be ready to let it go. But when I was ready, I was really ready. Don’t make yourself sick before you get there. If this is something you need help with, find a therapist to help guide you. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength and clarity.
Being fussy about food: I love food. A lot. You might call me a foodie. I come by it honestly. My parents fed me on wild rice, venison, asparagus, salmon, sushi..all the good stuff. I did not know from a white bread PB&J until I went to other kids’ houses. I also enjoy cooking and making delicious and healthy meals. What I don’t love, is spending time in the kitchen to the detriment of doing other things AND washing endless piles of dishes. I have devoted some brain power lately to thinking of a two or three week rotation of meals that are healthy, delicious, and fast. If it takes more than about 15 minutes to prep on a weeknight, or 45 tops on a Sunday, I’m out. It isn’t a priority right now. I also don’t “meal prep” on the weekends. This is a strategy many people suggest for eating well when you are busy. Frankly, I hate that strategy. I have better things to do with my Sunday than spend it destroying my kitchen cooking all day. Plus, who the heck wants to eat something on Friday, that you cooked last Sunday?
Saying yes to everything: I’m not just an overcommiter at work don’tcha know? I tend to feel like we need to go everywhere, do everything, and say yes when we are invited. Even when I don’t particularly want to. Here’s the thing, even if you are invited to something you WANT to do, it is ok to weigh it against everything else that is happening in your life right now and decide if it will fit. If not? Say no. And you don’t even have to give a reason.
Clutter: We are in the process of DEEPLY clearing out space in our home. Everything must go. Well, everything that isn’t 100% necessary for our lives or doesn’t bring us joy and add value. This, of course, has an up front cost in time. It takes time to paw through closets, cupboards and pantries clearing the deep dark corners of things that no longer serve you. But I suspect that long term, we will find a huge time and mental clutter savings by ridding ourselves of the excess. I’ll keep you posted on how that’s going in a couple of months.
- Guilt: Mom guilt is very real. I can especially get caught up in it when I’ve been away from my kiddo all day working. It can feel selfish to claim an extra 30-40 minutes for myself. Like I should spend every last second of my non working time glued to the Little Bear. But really, that serves no one. What I actually need to do is be 100% checked in and present with him when we are together. THAT is more powerful than adding physical time during which I’m massively distracted.
Cleaning: Yep..I’m not cleaning anymore. Ok...that’s a BIT of an exaggeration. I’m not going to let my house rot into the ground of course. But as much as possible I am minimizing and streamlining anything that needs to be done in this department and outsourcing some of the rest of it. When I was in the bad place with my health, my therapist insisted in no uncertain terms that I was to find and hire a housekeeper to take some of the pressure off. We couldn’t afford it. We did it anyway. Best expenditure ever. Remember, money is a renewable resource. Time is not.
Gratuitous Internet use: I’ve saved the best for last. I never used to use the internet and social media too much. But I certainly feel like I do now. I think it is a habit that started while pregnant and in those early daze of parenting. I was incredibly sick my whole pregnancy. Most of the things I liked to spend my time doing were just not possible anymore. Then came my colicky, non-sleeping kid and the restless discontent of PPD/A. My phone was an escape. A way to check out and numb myself to the hell I was experiencing. But I’m not in that place anymore, and the time that is spent 3-5 minutes at a time staring at my phone slowly saps productive and focused time and steals my attention from my family when we are together. That isn’t helpful at all. I was curious just how much time I was spending on my phone, so I installed the free iOS app called Moment. It tracks both total time spent with your screen on, and how much time you spend in each application. (Side note, if you feel like looking at your phone while driving is a problem for you, they also have an app called Focus, that will crab at you if you pick your phone up while driving.) Know how much time I spent on my first day with Moment installed? 4 hours and 7 minutes. I was shocked and appalled. Now I did watch some Netflix for about an hour that evening, not something I do everyday. I also spent about 30 minutes using it to transfer photos and manage my calendar for work. Even if we remove those chunks of time, that still leaves 2 hours and 37 minutes of...who the hell knows!? And, not only are those 2.5 hours of my life unaccounted for, but productivity research tells us that it takes about 10-15 minutes to get into the flow of doing something. Any time we are interrupted, it takes us another 10-15 minutes to get back into an optimal state of productivity. So, I likely lost a lot more productive time than that, being distracted in 3-5 minute increments. Honestly, I DO get a fair amount of value from social media. There are mom groups who give me advice and keep me sane, friends I hardly catch up with otherwise, and a cool community of other adventure loving mamas on Instagram who inspire me. I don’t see myself giving it up altogether. Instead I want to be really clear about when and how I’m using this tool.
"Juggling it all" is bullshit. I'm learning to just set some things down. (Image source DepositPhotos)
Bonus! Here are few common uses of time that I never particularly did a lot of, and I don’t plan to start:
Lengthy hair/makeup beauty routines.
Crafting. Nope. Not for me.
Shopping. I buy food. Otherwise, I minimize time in stores.
Playing video games.
Youtube rabbit holes.
Obsessively researching new hobbies or activities. I tend to gather a bit of info and then just go for it. I’ll learn along the way.
Frequenting movie theatres, bars, festivals, or concert venues.
There is nothing particularly wrong with anything you want to choose to spend your time on. If spending two hours in the kitchen every night, or hours on hair and makeup every morning gives you value and makes you happy, then do those things. Many people LOVE going to concerts. It isn’t about right or wrong. It’s about being aware of HOW you spend your most precious non-renewable resource and being intentional with your choices. So the next time you find yourself saying “I would love to be doing______, but I just don’t have time.” Spend a moment to reflect on what you might reprioritize to fit in the things that make you feel the best.
Did anything here strike a chord for you? Is there something you are currently doing that you wish you weren’t? What is one thing you want to work on removing or reducing from your life to make space for the things that are most important? Leave a comment and let me know.
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Contentment is not Complacency
Gratitude is a crucial practice for lifelong happiness and health. We can have all of the comforts and luxuries that this world can offer and still be miserable. We all intellectually know this, most of us have worked on this. We've written in gratitude journals, practiced gratitude meditations, and posted inspirational gratitude memes on social media.
But today I want you to lean into the discontent. To remember that it is ok to experience that deep scratching sensation your soul. To feel it fully and let it inform you. Let it drive you and give you wings.
I don’t know if it is a hopelessness that has taken hold of us all through the struggles of the Great Recession, a proliferation of self help mania, the instagram perfection we perceive of everyone else's lives, or something else entirely. But I see a disturbing trend towards a “cult of positivity” in our culture. This notion that you are never allowed to feel anything other than happy, grateful and joyous at every moment of every day is increasingly pervasive. And it really, really bothers me.
This attitude feels especially pointed in the “mom blogosphere”. Posts that go something like “Sure I used to have a fulfilling career as a PHD in (insert intellectually stimulating field here), and I climbed mountains, ran marathons, and was a member of the board of several children’s hospitals before having children. Sure I miss those things a little but really I’m SOOO HAPPY now drowning under a mountain of dirty diapers and piles of dishes because GRATITUDE!! #soblessed!” I can almost see the author, dead in the eyes, jumping up and down clapping her hands with a huge smile plastered on her face desperately trying to believe what she is saying, because it is really herself she needs to convince.
This pretty much sums up the feeling of pretending you are ok when you really are not. (side note: This was floating around social media as I was writing this post. I can't seem to track down the originator of the meme, but it is freaking perfect. If anyone knows who created this please tell me so I can credit them.)
The promotion of the “good vibes only at all times” mentality of motherhood is killing us. It is one of the misguided attitudes that leads us to ignore symptoms of postpartum depression, and trivialize the very intense reality of the hosts of challenges that moms face every day. It leads to burnout, resentment, and opportunities lost. “What do you MEAN you are not deliriously happy at every moment of every day! You have a wonderful family! You should never feel anything but wonderful ALWAYS!”
When I was in the depths of PPD, this was one of the scripts that played in my head all the time. “I have a lovely home, a supportive and unbelievably long suffering husband, running hot and cold water, a beautiful and healthy child...There must be something wrong with my character. Clearly I’m just not grateful enough. Maybe I need to gratitude harder. #firstworldproblems.” This mentality kept me stuck for way too long. Even if PPD or other mental illness isn’t the issue, you are not required to find complete and ultimate fulfillment exclusively through parenting and housekeeping. (On the flip side, you are also not required to love an adore a job that pulls you away from your kids more hours a day than you would like. Especially if it sucks on the whole.)
Discontent is at the root of all great things that have ever been done. It is that which whispers “you can do better, there is another way’. Every inventor, author, and thinker in the world has felt this and heeded the call. Yes, figure out how to have gratitude for that fact that dirty dishes means you had food to eat, and that your screaming toddler means your child is alive and well. That perspective is necessary and important. And, you have permission to also feel your discontent when it arrives. To ask yourself the small still question “What do I need to do, even in some small way, to begin to feel the way I want to feel?” You CAN develop your contentment without giving into complacency.
So the next time you feel that scratching sensation, settle in and listen to it. Feel it. And ask yourself “What can I do today, this week, or this month, to begin to shift this feeling. How is it I want to feel, and how can I get there within the parameters of my life as it is right now?” When you formulate an answer, I’d love to hear from you if you are willing to share. Leave a comment and let me know. What are you going to do to respond to your discontent?
View from camp. Not bad!
Southern Colorado with a 2 Year Old Part 3
After our adventures at Hermosa Creek, we packed up camp to move to a location outside of Telluride, near Lizard Head Pass. I say WE packed up, as though I had anything to do with it. In reality, my very ambitious spouse packed up camp, while I was riding, amid the protestations of a cranky kid who thought the world was ending when the tent was being put away. By the time they picked me up, the hubs looked a little like he had just survived an attack by dementors. (To be clear, I had advised against the solo pack up plan. He did it anyway. And he rocked it. And he decided against doing it again.)
We settled into our new camp with a spectacular view about an hour and half before dark and managed to tag team a basic camp setup and simple dinner in record time. (I think we’re getting good at this!)
A beautiful spot for dinner. (side note: This Hammock SAVED us. By dinner prep every night Little Mr. No Nap was in a mood for mischief! We found that putting up a hammock bought us a solid 30 minutes of containment and contentment for him so we could make a meal!)
Having done a fair amount of driving around shuttling bikes, people, and stuff so far in our trip we were ready for a low driving day. The map indicated that there was a 2.5 mile (one way) hike to an alpine lake just a few miles up the road.
If hiking fails...try flying!
These days, hiking with the Little Bear is a juggle between his desire to walk on his own, and our need to make time. He rode for a bit in the backpack, and when we got to the waterfall he hoped out to explore. He happily hiked/ran up the next mile or so under his own power, though the steep grade slowed him down a bit. We finally needed to convince him to get back in the pack. Afternoon monsoons were building and we didn’t want to be stuck at the top of the hike above treeline with lightning coming in. Toddlers, however, are not beings to be reasoned with. One does not simply EXPLAIN to the toddler that getting back in the pack is necessary for safety. So...bribery it is! He is obsessed with these dried apricots we had gotten for the trip, and I’d had the measure out his consumption to avoid...you know...what happens when you eat too many dried apricots. Promising him fistfuls of the orange/brown orbs of sugary goodness did the trick.
My three boys.
As we climbed closer and closer to the lake, and we edged closer and closer to nap time, I had to keep the snacks coming to avoid catastrophic melt down. When the apricots no longer cut it, we had to up the ante. I have written before about the importance of dum dums in a situation like this (you can read that article HERE) but we managed to be clean out of them at this crucial moment. Rooky mistake! I did, however, find another magical treat hidden in the our Osprey Poco. The marvelous and delicious Larabar Bites! These things are melt in your mouth chocolatey goodness! They are surprisingly not too messy either. This did the trick all the way to the lake, and part or the way back down. (Side note, Little Bear loves the mint chocolate ones, but my friend’s daughter had a very different reaction to them! She found the mint flavor to be “spicy”. There are four different flavors to choose from, so there are options.)
"I do it myself!"
We ate our lunch (by “we” I mostly mean the Papa Bear and I, since our son had recently consumed half his weight in dried fruit and chocolate) atop a ridgeline overlooking the brilliant blue water of Hope Lake. We took some time to romp around the high meadow and explore before needing to head back down.
High alpine flowers in summer are one of my favorite things!
As we descended with the Little Bear on Papa Bear’s back, he conked out for about 45 minutes, his longest nap the whole trip. (Yes...no nap WAS beginning to wear thin. Thanks for asking.) We crossed paths with numerous other friendly hikers, many of whom had loud exclamations about us bringing a two year old on a 5 mile round trip hike in the mountains. No one was negative really, just surprised that we would attempt such a thing, and impressed with the hubby for carrying him in the pack. And...of course people are surprised. Parenting and wrangling a toddler is a challenge even in highly controlled situations. Hiking a steep trail to above tree line elevation (about 11,500 ft) is also a particular challenge. Putting the two together to many people sounds like as much fun as a tooth extraction without anesthesia. But to us, it is all in a day’s adventure. Adventure by definition is not easy. It includes an element of challenge, effort, and expecting the unexpected. Adventuring with a kiddo is just a new angle and different slant on that expectation.
Nap time is nigh and mischief is unfolding. But oh so adorable!
Its always sad to leave a beautiful spot.
Can you spot the conked out toddler in the pack?
The next day we ventured into Telluride to replenish some supplies and taste the gluten free pancakes offered at The Butcher and the Baker. It was a farm chic hipster joint with kind but slow service, a bright and pleasant atmosphere and a predictably astronomic Telluride prices. Thankfully, considering the cost, the blueberry gluten free pancakes didn’t disappoint. If you are big fan of hash browns though, this might not be the place for you. It’s an extra $3 charge to have hashbrowns with your bacon and eggs, and you get about three tablespoons of spuds.
Anyone think this would make a fine vacation home?
From the town of Telluride you can see Bridal Veil Falls cascading over the cliffs. We drove up to the base of the falls for a better view. The huge old house on the cliff inspired imagination of what it might be like to live in such a place listening to crashing water all the time and surveying the valley below.
"Mama! I'm cold! Nuggle me!" Sure thing my love.
Once we had enough “city” life, we drove up to the town of Ophir easily my favorite little southern Colorado town so far. There is literally nothing there. Just a couple of streets of basic wooden houses clearly occupied by climber/mountain biker/skier dirtbags. Ahh….my idea of a perfect little place. We continued through towards the Ophir pass road and found a hidden little trail next to a creek. We had a surprising and delightful little hike along what appeared to be a locally constructed trail.
Our surprise trail near Ophir. This photo is going down as a top ten fav of my boys. No doubt.
Our last and final day before packing up to head home Papa Bear and I took turns riding a section of the Galloping Goose Trail. Galloping Goose mostly follows an old mining railroad grade alignment. Tons of interesting old railroad and mining pieces along the route and a number of sweeping vistas. The section we traveled was quite easy from a technical perspective and not terribly steep in most section, so would make a very doable snd beginner friendly out and back instead of a shuttle if you have the time.
Galloping Goose Trail
Viaduct along the Galloping Goose.
He's cute when he's showing off.
That evening we enjoyed our last dinner overlooking the stunning mountain views we had come to love. Until next year Colorado. Until next year.
While we waited for Papa, we played by the creek.
"Galloping Oscar" taking a break in the water on our ride.
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At the start of the picturesque Hermosa Creek Trail.
Southern Colorado with a Toddler Part 2
Tag teaming is an essential part of co-parenting for my husband and I. We both have things we need to do to fill our souls that are impractical to bring the Little Bear along for.
Mountain biking is arguably how my husband and I met, and as you can imagine, it is one of those things we both need to to do from time to time to feel like a functional human (or at least a polite one).
On beta from a good friend, we planned to take turns for the next two days of our trip riding the Hermosa Creek Trail, with the non-riding adult picking the rider up at the bottom of the trail. For any friends or readers who are fellow mountain bikers, especially those from Flagstaff, you might have an ethic one way or another about shuttling trails. Shuttling is where a rider is dropped off at the top of a trail and rides (usually downhill) to the other end where the car is waiting for them, preferably with a cold beverage at the ready. In Flagstaff, we never shuttle. Ever. Even driving to the trailhead better have a good reason. From most of our town you can ride straight from your home to connect with a vast network of trails, most of which have decently thought out alignment minimizing erosion and unrideable grades. So there is little reason to use a vehicle to get you up the hill only to ride back down it. Just pedal! Use the quads yo mama gave you son!
So many spots along this trail demand that you stop to appreciate the beauty, and tempt you to want to jump in.
In my younger childless days, I first rode in Colorado bringing my “never shuttle” Flagstaff ethic along like so many rocks in my panniers. After a number of frustrating bike hikes and crossing too many potential rides off the list because they were impractical to self shuttle, I have learned better and become a lot less smug. Folks, Colorado is not Flagstaff. Nearly every trail I have ever ridden there is steep to the point of stupid, has long and brutal road sections between trails making the self shuttle impractical or impossible. Hermosa Creek was no exception. Self shuttling would have meant almost 50 miles of riding, only 18 of which would have been the trail in question and the majority of the remaining miles on shoulderless mountain highway. No. Thank. You. If you are still worried about shuttling because it is important to you to “earn” your downhill, don’t fret. Even “downhill” trails have climbing in Colorado. Hermosa creek spends most of the last 6 miles in a 1600 vertical foot climb.
Does this mud splashed face look like it cares about shuttling anymore? Nope.
This letting go of perfectionism has been a huge and excruciating lesson for me in motherhood. There was a time, younger, fitter and faster that I would perhaps have insisted on a self shuttle. I would have spent an entire day from dawn til dusk killing myself to do the whole thing without a car shuttle, because it’s the “right” way to do it and to compromise would have bruised my ego. If I had been unwilling to just shuttle this trail I would missed 18 miles of some of the most sublime, inspiring single track in the Four Corners area. Want to keep your own passions, hobbies and adventures a priority in parenthood? Let go of perfection and get it done. Take the one hour ride you can get instead of the 6 hour ride that is rarely available. Host that imperfect dinner party with chinese take out, instead of waiting for enough time to have a spotless house and gourmet four course meal. Buy the ticket to travel to the place you CAN afford instead of waiting around for a windfall to go to the place that is financially out of reach. In the end, it will be the things we consistently do that make up the story of our lives. If we never get out there because we need the conditions to mimic some preconceived notion of perfection, years will pass and we will have failed to spend our time the way we wanted to. We will continue to mutter some mantra about a fictitious “someday” that isn’t coming.
My steed, a top one of the many bridges along Hermosa Creek. Surface water is a huge treat for us dry country folks.
What a spectacular payoff it is to just get out there and do it! The first half of Hermosa Creek trail follows a wide and welcoming path along, unsurprisingly, Hermosa Creek. Mixed conifers, flowing stream, and gorgeous water holes hiding fish that tease local anglers to come and get em. This first half, though trending downhill, isn’t particularly steep, and would make a very reasonable out and back ride or hike for those not wanting to do the whole length or who are just getting started and want a ride with minimal technical challenges. The trail changes to single track where it continues to follow the creek for another third of the ride, though it frequently winds a little further up the hillside than in the previous section. The high moisture level of the area in general, mixed with some heavy rains in the previous days made the ride fairly slick and felt a bit like riding on a muddy slip and slide. After one of a number of creek crossings, the last one with a wooden bridge, the trail begins the final climb in earnest. It winds its way up to a bench dotted with scrub oak, ponderosa pine, and cedar. A amusing concoction of species frequently found in Flagstaff, but rarely seen together at the same altitude. Having gotten a later start than I had hoped, I hit the steep climbs just as the afternoon rainstorms began. I attempted to pedal up what had become a creek in its own right. The water and mud made traction non-existent, making the attempt to move forward a real life replica of those dreams in which you are running as hard as you can and not getting anywhere. I eventually had to get off and push the bike up through the pouring rain, smiling all the way. Eventually the rain cleared, and I made the final descent to the trailhead to meet my ride. I was inspired, full of dopamine, and satisfied.
It got a little rainy out there!
Each evening after our rides, Iorek was full of energy and ready to ride himself. Pre-dinner evening strolls for us and bike ride for the Little Bear became a lovely part of the day. It is satisfying to the soul to have the opportunity to not only pursue my own passions, but to share them with my son and watch him get so much joy out of it too.
The kid loves to ride! Does a mamas heart good.
Is waiting for perfect conditions keeping you from doing the things that would feed your soul and nourish your spirit? I would love to hear what you want to do, and how you think you can get out of your own way to do it. Leave me a comment and let me know.
Of an evening.
One more installation in the series coming next week!
Southern Colorado with a Two Year Old Part 1
Visiting Colorado every summer has been a staple of our family since my husband and I were footloose, childfree, and courting. Our first visit together was in the summer of 2009 when we took 2 weeks (2 whole weeks!) to tour around the south western part of the state. That trip was amazing...and complicated. We brought ALL the toys. Mountain bikes, backpacks, canoe, fly rods, the works. Not to mention two dogs.
Our sweet old girls. Both gone now. What fun we had that day.
A pre-marriage, pre-kid, younger and significantly better rested pair of Vikings.
These days, both work schedules and having a 2 year old means that we only have a week, and we need to be a little more targeted with our activities. But we still have a blast and always leave feeling relaxed and inspired by the incomparable beauty of The San Juan Mountains.
Because we frequently bust out of town on weekend jaunts, our usual getting packed up routine is done in bits and pieces during the evenings and early mornings of the week before, with one final push of stuff gathering, dish washing, and chicken feeding done at the crack of dawn before we leave. While this method works for getting us out frequently on weekend adventures, it can leave us a little frazzled and short tempered before we ever get rolling. This time we made an uncharacteristically sensible and relaxed decision to spend Saturday packing and cleaning rather than make ourselves crazy packing in advance. For two perfectionistic, overcommiters with serious workaholic tendencies, this approach was somewhat revolutionary.
Our first day was spent making time across the high desert of northeastern Arizona to cross through the four corners. This would otherwise have been a somewhat unremarkable day. A drive with a number of lovely views, that we have done a million times before. THIS year, however, we had a new joy to experience. In the week leading up to our trip, our previously reluctant toddler had declared that he wanted to wear big boy underwear! (Of course...because when ELSE would he decide to try that besides three days before a long car trip?...sigh) In any case, we decided we would go ahead and try this “no diaper” business on the drive. I am notorious for excellent hydration habits and a tiny bladder so we figured it would be no big deal. Little did we know that our kid would be the one little boy on planet earth who wants NOTHING to do with peeing outside. Nothing. And the long, hot, dry stretch across the minimally developed Navajo Nation offers few opportunities for toilets. Four hours and 157 attempted pee stops after leaving home we were having visions of him falling asleep and turning our truck into Lake Powell. Thankfully we had brought along some diapers. I would love to tell you it was at this moment that we just switched to diapers the rest of the trip...we were not that clever.
It is a glorious thing when your toddler begins to "read" to himself. Happy, self-entertained traveler! Score!
We made it to Durango in about 67 hours (thanks frequently potty stops!) the last hour and a half of which our little dude was “reading” his books to himself in the backseat. An activity so endearing it kinda of made our hearts hurt. We headed up into the forest above Purgatory (now called Durango Mountain Resort. But I will never call it that...NEVER. It is Purgatory. Period.) and found a sweet little camp with a stream running right through it. The afternoon was spent exploring the verdant green slopes around camp, munching on wild strawberries, learning that not ALL wild berries should be put in our mouths (YIKES!), and throwing pebbles in the stream.
"Look Mama! Strawbabies!"
One of my goals for the trip had been a mountain bike ride on some of the trails around the city of Durango. I’ve heard much about the riding in the area and hadn’t ever experienced it. The second day, we drove back down into the town to drop me off at the Telegraph Trailhead, while the boys went out on a requisite excursion to Maria’s bookstore and Gardenswartz. For bibliophiles unfamiliar with Maria’s in downtown Durango, it goes on your “must visit” list. It is the kind of cozy, local bookstore that every town wants, but few seem to be able to support. Tall polished wooden bookshelves speckled with the colors of a thousand binding edges. Tables in the center of the space with employee picks, an inviting and colorful children’s section that carries both classic favorites and newer pieces of excellent children’s literature, and a staff that seems to know every book in the store and can point each unique customer to a selection that will delight them. My favorite features of Maria’s by far though, is their extensive section on travel/adventure/and local history. I always seem to find some awe inspiring read (or three). It was here that I found the book Wild Mama during our anniversary trip a few weeks earlier, which could easily be a personal manifesto. A must read for all adventure loving moms. (Full review coming soon)
This trip's adventure read. Thanks for the awesome book Maria's! Moment's later, it suffered an unspeakable fate (keep reading).
While my boys explored the town and dropped a sum of money roughly equivalent to a semester of in state college tuition at the bookstore, I rode my steel pony up the telegraph trail. It wound it’s way through the flats and up the side of a mesa following, unsurprisingly from the name, an old telegraph pole alignment. The route up the hillside had the typical Colorado fall line approach to trail building. Steep, straight up hill with no contouring, and heavily eroded. The top of the climb had a welcoming spot to eat lunch in the shade overlooking the La Plata Mountains. I descended the seemingly even steeper and more eroded Anasazi Descent and swooped out the banked turns of the Meadows Loop. A delightful introduction to the trails of Durango, though perhaps not the first one I’ll ride next time.
Top of the Telegraph Trail over looking the La Plata Mountains with my Mustache Bike.
That afternoon, I took over the parenting duties while the hubs worked on some “gratuitous building” projects. As a carpenter, he spends his days fixing things that need fixing, or building things to someone else's specifications. Getting to just tinker for the fun of it is rare, and makes him really dang happy. Tag teaming personal projects, is key for keeping both parents fulfilled.
Leaving this "bridge" as just a couple of rickety logs simply wouldn't do.
Meanwhile, the Little Bear and I headed out for an afternoon hike from the back of camp. I would love to tell you it was all giggles and wonder in a moss covered fairy land. Sometimes hiking with him is, but that day he had bucked his nap altogether and was exercising his personal independence to a level previously uncharted. Poisonous mushrooms (and trying to put them in his mouth) were the focus of his activities. Being asked not to touch mushrooms in the woods resulted in maniacal laughter and doing exactly what he had been told not to do. Between fear of imminent death-by-toadstool and the fact that his aversion to outdoor bathroom visits had led to wet pants yet again drove us back to camp a bit early.
Is this the face of mischief or what? But darn he's cute is his red "fireman" boots!
Back at camp, I rummaged through the truck trying to organize a few things before launching into dinner prep. My little one, still not out of steam for mischief, climbed into the front seat and peed all over my brand new book. I. Lost. It. Having invited him to go to the bathroom multiple times and being refused AND having JUST changed wet pants, this was just too much. Steam fumed out my ears, I raised my voice, and had to walk away for a while to cool down. It was the most infuriating combo of parenting failure and what felt like and intentional naughtiness from him. When I finally calmed down, I was able to get the clarity to realize this was honestly all my fault. I could have anticipated that he might want his potty while traveling and packed it. Learning to be in underwear AND learning to go outdoors is a lot for a little person all at once. AND I should have taken the hint from the day before and just let him stay in diapers for the trip. He was clearly uncomfortable with handling bathroom needs outdoors. This was my bad...not his. I apologized for losing my temper and decided that regressing to diapers for the week wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.
Slow down, breathe deep. You don't to do everything TODAY. Decide what is most important right now and just do that.
There was a lesson for life in this mundane and frustrating parenting moment. We can do anything and everything we want in this life, but we can’t do it all at once. He will, we assume, get the hang of no diapers, and I would bet with parents like us he will also get the hang of outdoor bathrooming. But trying to do it all at the same time? A recipe for failure and frustration. This is a lesson I seem to need to learn over and over again. I can have a life with a child, career, adventure, rich friendships, time for my spouse and extended family, volunteer work, a spotless home, plenty of sleep and self care, and homemade gourmet dinners. But is it reasonable to do each and every one of those things every single day in equal measure? No. Of course not. But for a type-a go getter like me, it feels like I should. I can get pretty hard on myself if my unreasonable check list of 35 things doesn’t get done every single day. Breathe. Pick three things that will get the majority of your attention today and do those. Let everything else go. You will get to the other things, but maybe not today.
Eat, sleep, play. The three things on Oscar's list today.
Part 2 coming soon!! Stay tuned!
How to Hike With a Toddler
Papa Bear and the Little Bear near Ophir, Colorado.
Soo...you’ve decided to take your toddler hiking have you? Great! Congratulations! Way to rock this mom thing! You will spend the day in the fresh air and sunshine teaching your child to be one with nature! No electronics for you! Maybe you’ll get a shiny medal that says “Mom of the Year!” for this!
But don’t feel too smug too fast, you do have to get out the door first….
Step 1: Choose your location.
You want to consider factors such as length and elevation gain and distance from home. Do NOT leave out the “distance from home” part, as too long in the car seat at the start of the day will turn your happy hiker into a screaming gremlin faster than you can say “granola bar”.
It is advisable to do this the night before as any attempt to study a map with a toddler in the room will be punctuated by whining, potty accidents, requests for popsicles, and/or the toddler attempting to abscond with the map. This type of distraction can be disastrous leading you to mistake a 30 mile hike for a 3 mile hike. Not good.
I'm so glad he loves maps as much as I do....but it does make route planning difficult.
Step 2: Plan to get an alpine start!
You remember those right? From your pre-kid peak bagging days? You go to bed nice and early so you can be on the trail with headlamps by 5 AM. Of course, a toddler alpine start looks a little different. This version includes mom being up at 5:00 AM to make sure everything is packed, loaded and ready to go so that the moment the tiny dictator awakens you can put them in the car with their portable breakfast right away.
This is a crucial step, so please don’t skip it. There is an extremely small window of “happy and well rested” between morning rising and the pre naptime melt down. If you wait to begin too long and the start of your hike begins to collide with the grumpy hour, you will be sunk. But if your toddler is happily engaged in the activity when this time hits, they are much more likely to sail through it until back at the car where they can pass out on the way home.
So, go to bed early with every intention of whistling around the kitchen at 5 AM packing snacks. Of course….what will really happen is the toddler will have a nightmare and wet the bed on two separate occasions between midnight and 2:00, eventually landing them in your bed where they will wriggle and writhe in a manner reminiscent of a crocodile doing a death roll. They WILL kick you in the face no less than 3 times.
They always sleep so peacefully as soon as it is time for you to get up, don't they?
When 5 AM rolls around and the toddler is finally sleeping peacefully, drag yourself out of bed to make a pot of very strong coffee. Despite your best intentions, sit staring at the wall through at least 1.5 cups of magic brown elixir as you attempt to pierce the fog of a night with little sleep. Reassure yourself that you still have plenty of time since the kiddos tends to sleep until 7:00 these days. By 5:45 when you wrench yourself off the couch, the toddler will awaken with a mighty roar and require comforting, another trip to the potty, and the reading of three books.
Briefly consider throwing in to towel on this whole endeavour. But don’t. Don’t throw in the towel.
I assure you something like this WILL happen...and it's ok. Roll with it. It will be worth it. I promise.
3. Pack all the things.
And I mean ALL the things. Snacks of all kinds of course. Bars, dried fruit, peanut butter sandwiches, jerky, and some kind of “secret weapon” snack. The one you pull out when the toddler is about to go full nuclear at the point furthest possible from the car. We like dum-dums around here. (Note: the anti-sugar mom brigade may not like this suggestion. But you skip this step at your peril. Trust me. A dum-dum or three isn’t THAT much sugar and can make the difference between a pleasant and happy return trip, and one that involves endless howling.) Not only do the dum-dums make an excellent bribe to keep toddlers happy towards the middle/end of a hike, if you save this special treat only for hiking and similar activities it becomes a fun and special association that helps them view this as an activity they want to do again.
Do not be afraid to deploy the sugar mamas. After all, if you can't eat lollipops and fruity snacks while hiking, when can you!?
In addition to food, you will want to bring everything that could conceivably be needed for general comfort. You will of course have checked the weather, but this will have only minimal bearing on packing. Going to be 80 degrees? Let’s throw in a sweater just in case. Not going to rain? Better at least have a poncho! Kid been potty trained for 3 months? Throw in a couple of diapers. You never know.
Contemplate carefully if you want to bring the baby carrier backpack. Be warned that if you leave it at home, your toddler will whine to be carried the whole time. If you bring it, he will howl like a banshee at the mere suggestion of riding in it. “NO mama! I RUN!!”
4. Check the weather.
Being at the top of a mountain during a lightning storm, or the bottom of a canyon in a flash flood with your child would DEFINITELY endanger that “mom of the year” award. Nuf said.
5. Hit the trail!
Whew! Through all the trials and tribulations of getting here, you have finally made it! As you hike with your little munchkin, pepper the walk with games like “hide and seek” and “kick the rock”. Look for insects and animals. Marvel at flowers and the texture of tree bark. You will have to walk a fine line of letting the toddler dawdle and experience the outdoors in their own way, while keeping things moving so you get home before dark. There will be scraped knees, tantrums, and stand offs. Deploy those dum-dums as needed mama...and keep em coming! But despite the challenges of hiking with your toddler, the truth is that a day at home isn’t really that much easier. You would still have scraped knees, protestations over the shape of their sandwich, and arguments about how many episodes of Clifford the Big Red Dog they can watch. And you would have missed out on the sunshine, the play, the thousands of things they are learning by climbing on rocks, peering at caterpillers or splashing in creeks. And the pictures wouldn’t be half as good.
At Hope Lake near Telluride, Colorado.
Near Molas Pass outside Silverton, Colorado
Back to Me
Someday, I will untangle all the messy pieces of my thoughts about the struggle of my first two years of parenthood. I'll sort out all the emotions, the whys and hows of postpartum depression that was missed for WAY too long. I'll get it all out in some eloquent way and make sense of it all. Find the thread of the story that makes it meaningful, and not so heartbreaking.
Summer vacation 2015, 1.75 years into motherhood. Still feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and struggling to enjoy even things that used to make me happy. It was some point during this trip I began to realize this wasn't normal. That something beyond "new mom overwhelm" was happening.
But right now I don't want to talk about that. I want to talk about the turning point forward. The glorious revival. Everything that comes after the moment when my therapist looked at me and said, "What can you do right now to help you feel more like yourself? To make you feel wild and free like you did before...even if it's just for a few minutes a day?" I want to talk about feeling good. I want to talk about returning to the mountains, Returning to the Wild. Returning to me.
I want to talk about adventures I've had and adventures to come. I want to talk about making the most of "this one wild and wonderful life". I want to talk about being fully present in my life and how you can find yourself out there too. I want to talk about getting stoked, and spreading it far and wide. Want to get stoked with me? Good! Let's go!
Summer Vacation 2016, 2.75 years into motherhood. My depression and adrenal fatigue has been getting treated for 8 months now. My experience of our trip this year was 180 degree different. It was joyful, fulfilling, and lovely.