What Mama Bear Really Wants for Mother's Day
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Oh my son. My sweet (and often sassy) little boy. My heart and soul. The apple of my eye. The reason for my everything. He made me a mama.
He also, pretty regularly, makes a gigantic mess all over my house. Toys all over creation, sticky messes anywhere even close to the kitchen table (and occasionally in very odd places), evidence of his paper cutting practice practically everywhere. Yes...motherhood brings its share of challenges, with household disasters being a daily one.
And of course, our kiddos are totally worth it. The smiles. Watching them learn to ride a bike. Seeing their own interests develop and how excited they are to share those interests with you.
Nothing better than seeing his joy at riding a bike!
One of my little bear’s top 3 interests is books. If I had the time to read to him more or less constantly he would be just fine with that. He wants a story in the morning before school, in the evening before bed, in the car, in the bathroom, anywhere he can rope someone into reading to him really. And I love it.
Ironically, one of his favorite books right now is “The Berenstain Bears and the Mama’s Day Surprise”. It is a story many moms can relate to.
Mother’s day is coming, and mama bear thinks back on her previous Mother’s day experiences with a sigh. Papa and the cubs always do their best to take good care of her, and usually end up creating more work for her in the process. This year, she’s pretty sure they are planning a breakfast in bed for her and a new bathrobe.
In the days leading up to the big surprise, she makes sure the house is stocked with the ingredients for honey french toast with blueberries (the dish she thinks they are making) including tracking down frozen blueberries from Gran since it is too early in the season for blueberries in bear country. Mama bears have a lot of work to do to make sure her cubs can pull off their “surprise” after all.
But the thing Mama is dreading the most of course, is the tremendous mess she will have to clean up after this is all over. She envisions egg on the floor, dishes on the counter and sticky hand prints all over the walls. Oh well. At least Mother’s Day comes only once a year.
What mama bears envision when they imagine their family doing the cooking. (Image Source Deposit Photos)
When the big day arrives, there is a comedy of errors as Papa and the cubs crashing down the stairs, the smell of burnt toast wafting into the bedroom, and finally a loud breaking sound that drives mama out of bed to investigate. Sure enough, it is the scene she imagined. Sheer chaos and destruction all over the kitchen. She sighs and scurries back up stairs so her family won't know she is onto them.
The bear family delivers Mama a surprisingly edible breakfast and insists that she stay in bed a while to read and enjoy her new robe. But soon she figures she had better go downstairs and get started on the mess of she will be at it all day.
That’s when she gets a real surprise. The kitchen is spotless. Every surface gleams. Not a dish out of place. She’s speechless and grateful.
Ahhh...the relaxing sight of a sparkling clean kitchen. (Image Source Deposit Photos)
What’s the moral of the story? The dinner out, or breakfast in bed are all well and good. But if you really want to surprise and delight Mama Bear this year, do something that makes her life easier. Take something off her to do list. Give her the day off from her load of responsibilities. Maybe send her out for a few hours to ride her bike or climb a mountain with a friend while everyone else does some laundry and cleans the kitchen.
Yes. Really. Do it. I guarantee her online mom group will hear all about it and she will be the envy of everyone there. And when you are the focus of her gratitude and joy...feel free to thank me later.
Image Source: Deposit Photos
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